Protect Axes and Knives

Axe Oil

7 total reviews

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Easily protect your axe from rust and rot

Every skilled woodsman and woodworker knows the importance of keeping an axe rust-free and well-oiled. That's why Walrus Oil partnered with Peter Buchanan-Smith, founder of Best Made Co. and author of Buchanan-Smith’s Axe Handbook, to create the perfect conditioner for restoring and maintaining axes. Our formula is designed to bring old hatchets and axes back to life while ensuring they stay in prime condition for decades of use.

Made from natural ingredients, Axe Oil is formulated to condition both the handle and the axe head, restoring the axe’s original character and protecting it from moisture. This "all-in-one" oil applies smoothly like a gel, and since it contains no linseed oil, it won’t gum up on the axe head.

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